
Unicode browser

There is simple application, wchich has following abilities and purposes:

This application should work on every HTML5-complaint browser and can be run by opening the unicode.htm file.

The application is available online from the address: https://andrzejlisek.github.io/Unicode/unicode.htm

Character data

Application uses data generated from the four Unicode official files:

Updating chars.js

Character definition are in the char.js file as Javascript functions, which fills in array variables.

To update the char.js file, when the Unicode Consortium publish newer character names or emoji names, run the generator.htm file. You can see the five text boxes. Above each box, there is link to appropriate file published by the Unicode Consortium.

There are the following data files:

You can simply open the links in new tab and copy downloaded text into appropriate text box of each file.

Finally, click the char.js button. In the last text box, there will be generated code, which you have to paste into the char.js file in the place of existing char.js contents.

Application modules

The Unicode application is splitted into modules separated by horizontal lines. You can change order of the modules, by the default order, the modules are as following:

  1. Parameters.
  2. Character finder.
  3. Browser navigator.
  4. Browser table.
  5. Character information.
  6. Character slots.
  7. Format attributes.
  8. Text box.

Elementary and complex characters

Some Unicode characters, especially some pictograms, consists of several elementary characters and are represented as sequence of elementary characters. Most operating systems displays such sequence as single complex character. Some elementary characters, such a variation selectors and zero-width joiner are designed for make complex characters only.

Complex character examples


There are examples of complex characters. The rainbow flag pictogram consists of the following elementary characters including variation selector and zero-width joiner.

  1. 01F3F3 - Waving white flag
  2. FE0F - Variation selector-16
  3. 200D - Zero with joiner
  4. 01F308 - Rainbow

The colorful speech bubble can be achieved by speech bubble pictogram with variation selector:

  1. 01F5E8 - Left speech bubble
  2. FE0F - Variation selector-16

Some character pais also may create complex characters. For example, the Japan flag can be achieved by this sequence:

  1. 01F1EF - Regional indicator symbol letter J
  2. 01F1F5 - Regional indicator symbol letter P


At the top of the page, there are basic parameters.

![](readme_pics/Settings.png “”)

The parameters has the following meaning:

Every parameter will be saved and restored after application restart.

Complex characters

Some Unicode characters, especially some pictograms, consists of several elementary characters and are represented as sequence of elementary characters. Most operating systems displays such sequence as single complex character. Some elementary characters, such a variation selectors and zero-width joiner are designed for make complex characters only.


There are examples of complex characters. The rainbow flag pictogram consists of the following elementary characters including variation selector and zero-width joiner.

  1. 01F3F3 - Waving white flag
  2. FE0F - Variation selector-16
  3. 200D - Zero with joiner
  4. 01F308 - Rainbow

The colorful speech bubble can be achieved by speech bubble pictogram with variation selector:

  1. 01F5E8 - Left speech bubble
  2. FE0F - Variation selector-16

Some character pais also may create complex characters. For example, the Japan flag can be achieved by this sequence:

  1. 01F1EF - Regional indicator symbol letter J
  2. 01F1F5 - Regional indicator symbol letter P

Character finder

You can find any character from text or character by name using the search field:

![](readme_pics/Search0.png “”)

You can find characters by the following ways:

Find by char

Paste or write text containing character, which you want to find, to the Find field and click the Char button. There will be shown table, which has the same number of rows as the length of pasted text. Every row has information about one elementary character.

![](readme_pics/Search1.png “”)

If you input (paste) text containing complex characters, there will be shown the complex characters in the find result table.

![](readme_pics/Search2.png “”)

In such case, you can display elementary character by clicking the + sign in the # column.

![](readme_pics/Search2-exp.png “”)

If you click the - sign in the # column, the elementary character list will be returned to complex character.

Find by name

Most Unicode characters has the following attributes:

You can find by value of on from the three attributes. The characters will be searched according the rules:

Input the phrase of the name in the Find field and click the Name button. There will be show table containing all characters, which name contains the text in the Find field.

The search is not case sensitive, in the most cases, you will search the characters by words, which must exists.

![](readme_pics/Search3.png “”)

Some characters are defined as complex character in the emoji-sequences.txt file consisting of one elementary character, so some characters are displayes as complex characters and works as every complex character.

![](readme_pics/Search3-exp.png “”)

You can include other words by spaces:

![](readme_pics/Search4.png “”)

Using the ~ or ! character, you can exclude some words:

![](readme_pics/Search5.png “”)

Clear field and table

You can click the Clear button to disappear the find result table and clear the Find field.

Result table

If you click the Char or Name button, there will be show the find result table. If you click the row in the table, you will be redirected to the character, which is in the row. To clear the result table, you can click the Clear button. If you select any complex character, the character will be occupy more slots beginning from the current.

Clear slots

Most complex characters occupies more than one slot. If you browse characters using character finder module, you can automatically clear other slots when you select other character. You can set this property int the Clear slots field by clicking the Yes or No button.

Decoding UTF sequence

Using the Find field, you can decode any UTF-8 or UTF-16 byte sequence. The sequence must be written in the Find field as hexadecimal numbers, without BOM. Characters other than digits and letters from A to F will be ignored (letters can be both lowercase or uppercase). The sequence must contain even number of hexadecimal numbers. To decode, you have to click one of the buttons below:

There is example showing decoding the same character sequence written using all supported encodings.

The UTF-8 sequence:

![](readme_pics/Search11.png “”)

The UTF-16 little endian sequence:

![](readme_pics/Search12.png “”)

The UTF-16 big endian sequence:

![](readme_pics/Search13.png “”)

Derivative scharacters

You can show all derivative characters for every ASCII character (character number from 0x20 to 0x7E). You have to input such character alone and click the Char button. If you input character outside from 0x20 to 0x7E, there will be work as ordinary find by char. In the result there will be shown all derivative characters for the ASCII character.

![](readme_pics/Search6.png “”)

The characters are found by analyzing the character name. The algorithm is described with details in the readme_ascii.md file.

Browser table and navigator

The main puspose of the application is browsing the Unicode characters. The browser table shows one page consisting of 256 characters.

![](readme_pics/Table1.png “”)

The full Unicode character set consists of 17 planes, every plane consists of 256 pages. In the navigator module, there are the 10-button set, which allows to navigate between planes and pages.

![](readme_pics/Navi1.png “”)

The buttons are gouped as following:

You can also manually input hexadecimal character number in the text field directly below the buttons. If the number is not valid or exceedes the 10FFFF, the character will not be changed. The character table consists of 256 characters arranged row by row. You can input the number with double underscore character to get page with unselected character. For example:

Instead of _ (underscore) character, you can use the - (minus) or * (asterisk). The 26__, 26-- and 26** has the same meaning.

![](readme_pics/Navi0.png “”)

You can also unselect character by clicking on the table header. This feature is important in browsing complex characters.

![](readme_pics/Table0.png “”)

Occupying box

In all modules, where character is showv, gray box behind character represents the area, whis is occupied by the character. Some character glyphs may be outside the occupying box.

![](readme_pics/Box11.png “”)

The prefix and suffix are outside of the box.

![](readme_pics/Box12.png “”)

Some diacritic chars has no occupying box, so such characters may be partially outside of the table cell. For better readibility and visibility, you can input some text in the Prefix/Suffix fields.

![](readme_pics/Box21.png “”)

![](readme_pics/Box22.png “”)

![](readme_pics/Box23.png “”)

A few characters may have glyph parts above or unter occupying box.

![](readme_pics/Box31.png “”)

For better readibility and visibility such characters, increase the margin in Margin top/bottom fields.

![](readme_pics/Box32.png “”)

Character information

To view zoomed character and character name, you can select the character by these ways:

  1. Navigate to the character using navigator buttons or inputting the character number.
  2. Click the character in the browser table.
  3. Click the item in the character finder results.

After selecting the character, the information will be shown in the information module.

![](readme_pics/CharInfo.png “”)

The details will be displayed below the table and lower navigation buttons. This details includes:

Some character has defined the lowercase, uppercase or title equivalent. If you viewing such character, below the preview, there can be shown one or two of the following buttons:

Complex character info

In the character information, if there is displayed complex character or character sequence, the character code consists of all elementary character codes splitted by | character. The bolded part of character code sequence indicates character selected in the current slot. The character information also describes the character selected in the current slot.

Character information, when the slot of first elementary character is selected:

![](readme_pics/Complex41.png “”)

Character information, when the slot of second elementary character is selected:

![](readme_pics/Complex42.png “”)

Browser slots

The character browser has independed slots, which can be browsed using eight buttons in the slot module. The < and > buttons allows to scroll the slots. If tharacter number ends with double underscore, this slot has selected page, but character is not selected. The characters displayed are the character composited from all slots with selected characters. If you want to browse elementary characters, you have to be sure, that on every other slot character is not selected. You can unselect character by clicking on the table header or input code ending of double underscore, double minus or double asterisk.

![](readme_pics/Complex.png “”)

You can change the current slot by clicking the buttons. The current slot selection will be indicated by [ and ] characters. You can scroll the slots by clicking the < and > buttons.

If there is selected other page than 00 on the other slots, you will also browse the elementary characters. For example, you can use the variation selectors on the page FE. You can prepare the page on the next slot.

![](readme_pics/Complex11.png “”)

On the page F3 on the plane 01, you will see the standard version of pictograms.

![](readme_pics/Complex12.png “”)

If you select the Variation selector 16, you can see another version of some characters.

![](readme_pics/Complex21.png “”)

![](readme_pics/Complex22.png “”)

By the same way, the Variation selector 15 also changes the pictogram fashion.

![](readme_pics/Complex32.png “”)

![](readme_pics/Complex33.png “”)

Character variants

In most operating systems and web browsers, there are implemented two variants of most pictogram characters:

Some CJK characters has up to three variants:

The default variants varies from character to character.

You can force to display text or image variant for pictogram or force one of the three variants of CJK character.

You can display possible variants using the buttons in Variants in table and Variants in info fields. Both fields has the same work mechanism, but the first works in the table, the second works in the info.

In order to enable or disable the text or image variants of the pictogram character, click the Txt or Img button. The Std button allows show or hide the standard display.

In order to display other variants of the CJK character, click the CJK1 or CJK2 or CJK3 button.

Displaying text/image and CJK variants at once is not possible and it makes no sense, because none of pictogram character has CJK variants and none of CJK characters has text/image variants.

The enforcement is made using variation selector characters:

The character composition using characters from the other slots are displayed on standard variant only using Std button. Other variants uses character from current slot only.

There is page 01F3 display using the text and image variants, without the standard variant.

![](readme_pics/Complex50.png “”)

Font attributes

You can set the font attributes using the buttons above and below the character table.

![](readme_pics/FontAttr.png “”)

There are available attributes:

For the first four buttons (Bold, Italic, Under, Strike), if attribute is enabled, the brackets will be arount the button caption. The button swaps between enabled and disabled attribute state.

The font style will be affected in the following places:

The Positive/Negative attribute will help to distinguish the colorful pictogram characters from regular characters, which colors changes according the attribute. If the pictogram character has colors similar to occupying box or background, the Positive/Negative switching may help to clearly view the pictogram

Text box

Below the character preview there is the large text box, which allows to input any text using selected font and selected attributes.

You can manually write or paste any text to show, how the text looks using selected font.

Buttons above text box - upper row

You can also input the unicode characters using the buttons above the text box.

![](readme_pics/Text1.png “”)

The buttons are following:

Complex characters

You can use the text box to generate complex characters without using browser slots, which are defined in Unicode standard and implemented in user web browser.

For example, you can write complex character by the following sequence:

  1. Click the Clear button, the text box will be blank.
  2. Select the 200D character (zero with joiner).
  3. Click the Char A button, there text box will seem be blank, but it will contain single invisible character.
  4. Select the 01F308 character (rainbow pictogram).
  5. Click the Char A, there will be shown the rainbow pictogram.
  6. Select the FE0F character (Variation Selector-16).
  7. Click the Char B, the one more invisible character will be added.
  8. Select the 01F3F3 character (waving white flag character).
  9. Click the Char B, the rainbow pictogram will be replaced with the rainbow flag pictogram.

The replacement at the step 8 will be done, because there will be written full sequence of complex character.

Buttons above text box - lower row

You can write the current character page (256 characters) using the buttons in the lower row, above text box.

![](readme_pics/Text2.png “”)

These buttons are the following functions:

Buttons below text box - upper row

The buttons below the text box are the system buttons.

![](readme_pics/Text3.png “”)

The functions are following:

Buttons below text box - lower row

You can convert the text existing in text box into the ASCII version replacing derivative characters to ASCII characters.

![](readme_pics/Text4.png “”)

There are two conversion ways:

During the conversion, there are used the same algorithm for derivative character finding for specified ASCII character. At the first time, the conversion may take a while, because the application builds the conversion map. If the browser suggests to break the script, please allow to continue and wait. Usually, the time is not longer than 120 seconds. The derivative character finding is detailed in the readme_ascii.md file.

Downloadable web font

The application allows to view downloadable web font. This requires preparation special code as font family. To make this easier, you can prepare downloadable font code in text box and click the Font button to copy this text into the Font family field. The end-of-line characters will be ignored.

Font code structure

The code structure is the serie consisting of even number of strings separated by | character (vertical bar). The whole code must contain odd number of | characters. Each record consists of two strings. The first string specifies font format and character range and the second string of record specifies the font file URL.

The font type and character range are not mandatory. The simplest downloadable font definition can be following:


If you want to provide the font file type, the font code will be as following:


If you want to provide two files with types, the font code will be following:


For more readibility, you can prepare the code using end-of-line character. The following three codes are exactly the same code:


If you paste this code into the text box at the bottom of page and clich the Font button, the text will be copied into the Font family field with removing all end-of-line characters.

The character range definition always begins from the ? character (question mark) and syntax accords to the CSS unicode-range attribute. If you provide single font file, the character range is not necessary. For example, assume, that the first file covers the characters from 0020 to 007C and the second file covers from 0400 to 04FF characters. In this case, the font code will be as following:


The unicode-range syntax are following:

The character range definition syntax will not be checked and will be passed to CSS style as is.

Font code example

Assume, that you want to view the Fruggles font from the Google library. For every font, Google provides font files and CSS definition, which easies making the font code.

At the font preview, you will generate the style code. Inside this code, there will be font URL:


If you open the url, you will view the following text:

/* vietnamese */
@font-face {
  font-family: 'Fuggles';
  font-style: normal;
  font-weight: 400;
  font-display: swap;
  src: url(https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/fuggles/v1/k3kQo8UEJOlD1hpOfdboLnnA.woff2) format('woff2');
  unicode-range: U+0102-0103, U+0110-0111, U+0128-0129, U+0168-0169, U+01A0-01A1, U+01AF-01B0, U+1EA0-1EF9, U+20AB;
/* latin-ext */
@font-face {
  font-family: 'Fuggles';
  font-style: normal;
  font-weight: 400;
  font-display: swap;
  src: url(https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/fuggles/v1/k3kQo8UEJOlD1hpOfdfoLnnA.woff2) format('woff2');
  unicode-range: U+0100-024F, U+0259, U+1E00-1EFF, U+2020, U+20A0-20AB, U+20AD-20CF, U+2113, U+2C60-2C7F, U+A720-A7FF;
/* latin */
@font-face {
  font-family: 'Fuggles';
  font-style: normal;
  font-weight: 400;
  font-display: swap;
  src: url(https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/fuggles/v1/k3kQo8UEJOlD1hpOfdnoLg.woff2) format('woff2');
  unicode-range: U+0000-00FF, U+0131, U+0152-0153, U+02BB-02BC, U+02C6, U+02DA, U+02DC, U+2000-206F, U+2074, U+20AC, U+2122, U+2191, U+2193, U+2212, U+2215, U+FEFF, U+FFFD;

As you can see, the Fruggles font consists of 3 separate files. Every item begins with the @font-face element. Within every element, there are two important elements:

It is recommended to prepare the blank font code for three items.


The next step is paste the file URL and file type.


Theoretically, you can use code presented above and may be displayed correctly, but this code has not information about character coverage. You can also use single item as whole font code to test coverage. In this exaple, there are valit three font codes:


To set the character coverage, write the ? character after every file type definition.


Then, paste the unicode-range value for each font file, without the semicolon:

woff2?U+0102-0103, U+0110-0111, U+0128-0129, U+0168-0169, U+01A0-01A1, U+01AF-01B0, U+1EA0-1EF9, U+20AB|https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/fuggles/v1/k3kQo8UEJOlD1hpOfdboLnnA.woff2
woff2?U+0100-024F, U+0259, U+1E00-1EFF, U+2020, U+20A0-20AB, U+20AD-20CF, U+2113, U+2C60-2C7F, U+A720-A7FF|https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/fuggles/v1/k3kQo8UEJOlD1hpOfdfoLnnA.woff2
woff2?U+0000-00FF, U+0131, U+0152-0153, U+02BB-02BC, U+02C6, U+02DA, U+02DC, U+2000-206F, U+2074, U+20AC, U+2122, U+2191, U+2193, U+2212, U+2215, U+FEFF, U+FFFD|https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/fuggles/v1/k3kQo8UEJOlD1hpOfdnoLg.woff2

The font code is fully generated. The last step is paste this code into text box and click the Font button. If the code is created correctly, the characters will be displayed using this font.

![](readme_pics/TableFont.png “”)